Better Sleep with Your Brainwave Sounds​

At myWaves, we help you sleep, live, and perform better with cutting-edge, clinically tested neuroscience solutions.

myWaves FAQ​

myWaves teams did not start this project until we had proof of concept and then further clinical trials to confirm this neuroscience discovery had results. 

Between March and December 2023, a clinical trial was run at the Center for Sleep and Vigilance of the Paris Hotel-Dieu Hospital (APHP). Led by Dr Damien Leger, the study consisted of testing the sleep-inducing sounds on patients suffering from Chronic Insomnia.

The Center for Sleep and Vigilance has been working for 25 years on the epidemiology of sleep disorders in France and in other European and American countries.

Clinical expertise at APHP focuses on several sleep disorders, mainly insomnia, sleep apnea, hypersomnia, sleepiness at the wheel, and occupational medicine. More than 3,000 sleep physiological recordings are performed each year in the sleep center.

In our study, every single participant rated myWaves at 8 or above (out of 10) and data showed a 20% increase in REM sleep. 

myWaves uses the latest security methods to make sure all user data is protected using AWS security systems. All user data is anonymized and encrypted. Additionally, user information and their brainwave data are never stored together.

The myWaves Pebble uses wet contact electrode pads that allow it to record your brain’s delta waves, at a clinical standard, with more accuracy and less interference. 

If you go to a sleep clinic, they hook you up to a EEG system that will help record your delta waves that are only located on your frontal lobe of your forehead. We built a light, easy to use device that records these delta waves in the same manner as they do in a sleep clinic. The file that is produced is the same EDF reading of your delta waves. To obtain your unique sounds, we only need to have good quality recording of slow waves/deep sleep waves, which occur in the front part of your sleep cycle. Even if you have a bad quality of sleep, these waves are produced and our patented system will read the file to locate these waves.

The myWaves Algorithm filters and sorts through your delta wave recordings. Then, through a patented process known as neuro-acoustic transduction, myWaves generates entirely personalized sleep sounds, turning your brainwaves into soundwaves. The process looks at a personal individual wave characteristics and forms a sound wave that mimics those characteristics.

The Neuroscientist and Clinical Trial technicians do not yet know the mechanism, but one possibility is that this is a form of “resonance” between the internal dynamics of one person’s brain, and the auditory stimulus when it has the same dynamics. We also know from anatomy that there is a direct projection from auditory cortex to the brain stem centers responsible for sleep regulation. As our clinical trials indicated, though, while how this works is still uncertain, if it works is no longer a question. Every single person in our test ranked the experience 8 or above (out of 10).

The good new is that you only need record your sleep one time to produce your unique sound. Please note that you cannot use someone else’s sound to have results. We confirmed this in the clinical study. Your wave pattern when you become an adult does not change as much when you are child/teen or elderly. We suggest an adult re-record their delta waves 3-4 times per year. For younger groups, they will need to record more often since their patterns are still changing. The elderly also have changing patterns and need more frequent recordings.

We offer full replacement on any defective part of any of our items for up to 2 years.

The recording and process will not be affected. myWaves only records during you Deep Sleep phase, it is not impact by the entire night of sleep or how well you sleep during the other phases. Everyone has slow waves/deep waves when they sleep even on a very bad nights of sleep. We would like to have a full 8 hours sleep recording from you but we are able to normally find slow waves even in a shorter recording. 

Having nightmares, bad sleep, and waking up during the night is normal for many. As long as you record the full nights sleep, the slow waves we are looking for usually occur at the beginning of sleep. Nightmares normally start in the middle of sleep to the end during the REM stage of sleep. Having strange dreams will not affect the sleep recording.

Supervise children using the product. It is not a toy, and small parts can be swallowed. Always keep the product and its packaging away from children and animals.

Yes, always maintain a gap of at least 10 cm between the headphones and a pacemaker or an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) as the product generates magnetic fields.

No, do not expose the headphones to any high temperatures over 70 degrees Celsius (such as hair dryers, heating, prolonged sunlight, etc.) as the battery inside the headphones may overheat.

Only charge the headphones in an ambient temperature area from 10 degrees Celsius to 40 degrees Celsius.

No, do not crush or pierce the battery. Avoid exposing the battery to high pressure, as this may cause an internal short-circuit and overheating.

Reservation & Perks

Your voluntary $5 reservation gets you first access to our biggest discount (60% $239) when we launch. It also gives you free one-year access to download sleep sounds (valued at a $99/year subscription), plus a free Bluetooth-enabled headband as an option for listening to your unique sleep waves ($39 value).

Yes, you can request a refund for your reservation anytime before the campaign launches by emailing info@staging.mywaves.tech

No, the reservation program was only offered to our community in the weeks leading up to the launch. Check out our VIP group and campaign page for all the great offers we currently have available!


Early bird rewards will start at 57% off, so you can pre-order your myWaves for $259.

Approx 55mm x 30mm x 13mm

Users wear the myWaves Pebble device for one night only and let it capture your delta waves. The device attaches to your forehead with wet-contact adhesive pads. Next, you will upload the data from your Pebble device to the myWaves website.

The myWaves Algorithm filters and sorts through your delta wave recordings. Then, through a patented process known as neuro-acoustic transduction, myWaves generates entirely personalized sleep sounds, turning your brainwaves into soundwaves. The process looks at a personal individual wave characteristics and forms a sound wave that mimics those characteristics.

The myWaves team did not start this project until we had proof of concept and then ran further clinical trials to confirm this neuroscience discovery had results. 


Between March and December 2023, a clinical trial was run at the Center for Sleep and Vigilance of the Paris Hotel-Dieu Hospital (APHP). Led by Dr Damien Leger, the study consisted of testing the sleep-inducing sounds on patients suffering from Chronic Insomnia.


The Center for Sleep and Vigilance has been working for 25 years on the epidemiology of sleep disorders in France and in other European and American countries.


Clinical expertise at APHP focuses on several sleep disorders, mainly insomnia, sleep apnea, hypersomnia, sleepiness at the wheel, and occupational medicine. More than 3,000 sleep physiological recordings are performed each year in the sleep center.


In our study, every single participant rated myWaves at 8 or above (out of 10) and data showed a 20% increase in REM sleep.

The Neuroscientist and Clinical Trial technicians do not yet know the mechanism, but one possibility is that this is a form of “resonance” between the internal dynamics of one person’s brain, and the auditory stimulus when it has the same dynamics. We also know from anatomy that there is a direct projection from the auditory cortex to the brain stem centers responsible for sleep regulation. As our clinical trials indicated, though, while how this works is still uncertain, if it works is no longer a question. Every single person in our test ranked the experience 8 or above (out of 10).

You must charge the pebble before each use .

The purchase of myWaves from Kickstarter provides you with 1 x 1 year subscription which allows one user to record 4 times per year and receive their sounds each time.  For any additional users,  a new 1 year subscription will need to be paid for and 4 Adhestive pads will be mailed to them .

Yes, The pebble can record as long as you have a clean forehead surface to apply the pebble with adhesive pad.

myWaves suggest that if you have any adhesive allergies that you contact your doctor to decide if this product is right for you . myWaves wants all users to have a safe and good experience using the product .  

myWaves is NOT a sleeping pill .  The clinical data show that in some subjects , they did fall asleep faster but myWaves does not make this claim because clinical evidence was not substantive on this effect.   

No, the product does not emit any sound.

The pebble does have a light to help the user with its functions. An instructions sheet with the light indicators are provided.  The light will only stay on after the recording button is activated for 3 minutes and then turn off during recording.

Unlike other at-home dry contact recording devices, myWaves uses wet contact electrode pads that allow the device to record your brain’s delta waves with more accuracy and less interference than in a clinic. 


If you go to a sleep clinic, they hook you up to a EEG system that will help record your delta waves that are only located on the frontal lobe of your forehead. We built a light, easy to use device that records these delta waves in the same manner as they do in a sleep clinic. The file that is produced is the same EDF reading of your delta waves. To obtain your unique sounds, we only need to have good quality recording of slow waves/deep sleep waves, which occur in the front part of your sleep cycle. Even if you have a bad quality of sleep, these waves are produced and our patented system will read the file to locate these waves.

The myWaves Algorithm filters and sorts through your delta wave recordings. Then, through a patented process known as neuro-acoustic transduction, myWaves generates entirely personalized sleep sounds, turning your brainwaves into soundwaves. The process looks at a personal individual wave characteristics and forms a sound wave that mimics those characteristics.

The good news is that you only need to record your sleep one time to produce your unique sound. Please note that you cannot use someone else’s sound to have results. We confirmed this in the clinical study. Your wave pattern when you become an adult does not change as much when you are child/teen or elderly. We suggest an adult re-record their delta waves 3-4 times per year. For younger groups, they will need to record more often since their patterns are still changing. The elderly also have changing patterns and need more frequent recordings.

The recording and process will not be affected. myWaves only records during your Deep Sleep phase, it is not impacted by the entire night of sleep or how well you sleep during the other phases. Everyone has slow waves/deep waves when they sleep even on very bad nights of sleep. We would like to have a full 8 hours sleep recording from you, but we are able to normally find slow waves even in a shorter recording.

Having nightmares, bad sleep, and waking up during the night is normal for many. As long as you record the full nights sleep, the slow waves we are looking for usually occur at the beginning of sleep. Nightmares normally start in the middle of sleep to the end during the REM stage of sleep. Having strange dreams will not affect the sleep recording.

Please follow instructions provided to make sure the pebble and adhesive pads are put together properly.  Please clean of any oils, dirt, cosmetics or any other products before applying the adhesive pad for recording. 

myWaves is NOT a sleeping pill .  The clinical data show that in some subjects , they did fall asleep faster but myWaves does not make this claim because clinical evidence was not substantive on this effect.   

The benefits of listening to your myWaves sound for 30 minutes each night before sleeping will be the same for adults between 25 -60 year old. We do suggest that you re-record 3-4 times per year to make sure your wave pattern is the same even though most adults have very little change .   Ages below 25 and above 60 might want to re-record more often since it is there might be more changes to the wave patterns.

(will certain medications/supplements impact the brain’s deep sleep waves?)

We suggest that no other sleep medication be taken on the night of the recording .  Taking other medications should have none to little effect on the deep sleep waves . 

myWaves has not done any long term clinical testing to determine if listening to this sound will have any long term consequences but science has guided the belief that this natural solution to improving sleep is just like listening to classical music which has no long term consequences. 

You only need to wear the Pebble to record your delta waves. Your myWaves recordings will be available to listen to on any sound device.

The sounds provided are MP3 files that can be played on your phone, speaker , headbands, earpods or any bluetooth enabled device .

The adhesive is a 3M material pad with same type of adhesives properties found on other sticky products found in a drugstore

No. myWaves uses the latest security methods to make sure all user data is protected using AWS security systems. All user data is anonymized and encrypted. Additionally, user information and their brainwave data are never stored together.

It would be up to each user to confirm if myWaves products are covered by their insurance.

myWaves pebble will stay attached for side and stomach sleepers.

myWaves is looking into ways to upgrade their products daily.   Please see our website for any news on new products that will be available. 


All locations are acceptable for shipment as long as a courier can reach the location .

Products will begin shipping approximately 90-120 days after the end of the campaign.

The shipping cost will be $20 to ship and this fee will need to be collected at the time of purchase.

The shipping cost will be collected at the time of purchase .

After the campaign ends we will email you a Backerkit link to collect your address and any information we still need before shipping your order.

The product will be shipped to any country in the world as long as a courier can reach the destination.

Customer Satisfaction

We offer full replacement on any defective part of any of our items for up to 2 years.

Once a purchase has been made, no return policy can be granted.

myWaves team is a group of individuals in Europe, USA and Asia that have had 30+ years of bring consumer products to retailers around the world.

No, Kickstarter does not offer the ability to pay in installments.

You can email us at info@staging.mywaves.tech

Confirm Deletion

Are you sure to delete this music record?

Confirm Deletion

Are you sure to delete this recording?

Confirm MyWaves Conversion

You are about to submit this reading to be processed into your personalized MyWaves sound file.

The process will take an estimated 20 minutes, we will email you when the process is complete.